mardi 20 novembre 2012

Do you know about Reflexology ?

 Did you know that the average person will takes as many as 10,000 steps a day? And 3 out of 4  might experience foot problems, This is because the foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles. Women have about 4 times as many foot problems as men and some of these problems can be blame on high heels or ill fitting shoes.
Foot ailments can be the first signs of health problems such as arthritis, diabetes, nerve and circulatory disorders. Also your feet have 250,000 sweat glands, and your feet may excrete as much as half-pint of moisture a day!

          Thank you , Meta Esthétique for providing me with the text below
                                                        250A Lyon Street
                                                        Ottawa , Ontario

How Reflexology can help
Soothing herbal foot soak followed by a 60 minutes treatment

Reflexology is a natural, unique therapy in which pressure is applied to specific points in the feet. Reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflexes on the feet which correspond to every organ, gland and area in the body. The vital energy circulating in the body  may be blocked or reduced by deep blockages or deposits that resemble a grain of sand or small crystal. Through various reflexology techniques, the therapist will help re-establish proper balance along these energy circuits.

                            Integral reflexology

   Soothing herbal foot soak followed by an integral reflexologtreatment

                                    (Duration of treatment = 90 minutes)

Reflexology is a natural, unique therapy in which pressure is applied to specific small areas in the  feet along with a areas on the face, on the head and in the ears.
The simulation of these additional reflexology points amplifies the feeling of profound relaxation and calm.

                                   Effects and benefits of Reflexology

-Releases tensions, reduces stress and promotes relaxation
-Improves blood circulation
- Helps to eliminate toxins in the body and helps the body to balance itself
-Contributes to self healing and disease prevention

Thai Foot massage

      Soothing herbal foot soak, followed by a 60 minute treatment

This popular massage in Thailand, combines different techniques ( pressure techniques using  the hands and the finger joints, sliding of the thumb and pressure points using a small Thai wooden stick ) . The massage is done on the feet all the way to the knees.
The therapist uses cream or oil for a fluid, efficient movement. The objective of the Thai massage is revitalization

                                       Relaxing Food Massage

This 30 minutes treatment combines a variety of Thai techniques and a few reflexology pressure points. The movements slow and fluid, promote relaxation and circulation. The massage includes the feet and the legs ( up to the knee ) . It is a perfect combination  to compliment a facial.

  For more information concerning the prices and other services offered :

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